The Mets Are FINALLY Hiring David Stearns As Their President Of Baseball Operations

Well that's one way to get your fanbase out of the doldrums without meaningless games in September as both of the local football teams got kicked in the dick in very different ways to start the season! 

Steve Cohen going after David Stearns was the worst kept secret in baseball and as usual, Uncle Stevie got what he wanted. It definitely took more time than anyone would've liked considering this is Cohen's third season as owner. However, we know nothing has been easy for Stevie since many of the other owners are scared of his giant...wallet. Yet there was nothing they could do to stop Stearns from coming to New York now, which is extra sweet because the farm system just got a BALCO grade shot in the arm at the trade deadline.

As for Stearns, there is a lot to love about him. 

- He built the Brewers into a franchise that made the playoffs four years in a row, which matches the amount of times they made the playoffs before Stearns got hired dating back to when they became a team back in 1969. If Stearns can do that with a broke ass time like the Brew Crew, I can only imagine what he can do with Cohen's unlimited budget. Not just for players but for all things infrastructure that makes a baseball team better.

- Stearns was also a diehard Mets fan growing up whose favorite player was Kevin Elster. Any Mets fan that loved Kevin Elster growing up is a real one in my eyes, even though his 1996 season sticks out like a needle in the ass when he played in the Arm Farm known as the 90s Texas Rangers.

- Stearns went to Harvard, which is known to produce a successful person here and there. Some other Harvard grads that work for New York based sports companies include Riggs and Francis Ellis.

- Stearns also interned with the Mets and was so impressive, Omar Minaya asked the Wilpons to hire him once his internship ended. The Wilpons reportedly said no because they are cheap fucks. But Omar always had an eye for talent and Uncle Stevie has a wallet for one.

- Anytime you get mentioned in the same breath as Andrew Friedman, you are good in my book.

- Plus let's be honest, this just looks like a guy that will eat a bunch of sabermetrics number off an Excel spreadsheet and shit out a winner.

Dylan Buell. Getty Images.

I don't know if Stearns will keep Buck Showalter, his close friend Billy Eppler, or anybody else in the franchise. But at this point we are all in on this big baseball brain and it's In Stearns We Trust from this point moving forward.

Almost everything about the first half of this season sucked for the Mets, but it sure feels like all those negatives are turning into positives like they did for Christopher Wallace once upon a time. The Mets are rich, have a much-improved farm system, a Major League roster that at the very least will compete for playoffs, and now a guy at the top of the org chart that has a track record of success. If you can't get excited for that, your baseball soul is dead. I'm not criticizing you either since the Mets have killed countless peoples' love of the game. But this is the time to not only get excited but to also get expecations, even if we will all be waiting for something catastrophic to happen like it always seemingly does for New York teams that end in "ets".

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